Griffin Greenhouse Supplies

1619 Main Street
Tewksbury, MA 01876

About Griffin Greenhouse Supplies

We represent the industry's leading breeders and producers, spanning seed and vegetative, bedding and potted crops, ornamentals and edibles. Our hard-goods offer includes reliable inputs and equipment to help crops thrive through all production stages. Finally, our quality retail products and accessories drive add-on sales for independent retailers, while enhancing consumer success and enjoyment. Griffin is among the premier broker-distributors in the U.S., having earned an outstanding reputation for operational excellence, high-quality products and superior customer service.

Competitors of Griffin Greenhouse Supplies

Griffin Greenhouse Supplies

We represent the industry's leading breeders and producers, spanning seed and vegetative, bedding and potted crops, ornamentals and edibles. Our hard-goods offer includes reliable inputs and equipment to help crops thrive through all production stages. Finally, our quality retail products and... Read More