Does Your Cannabis Business Need a Product Liability Policy That Protects from Defects?
Product Liability applies in the event of a product defect that causes injury, as well as property damage where a business could be held liable for damages resulting from a defect in its products. This can include anything from defective medical devices to auto parts and household appliances.
If you’re in the cannabis industry, you’re probably already aware of how important it is to have proper insurance coverage to protect your business from potential liability if something goes wrong with your products. However, you may not know that there are two types of policies that can help protect you: general liability or product liability insurance. General liability insurance protects against claims arising out of bodily injury or property damage caused by an accident at your business location — including slips and falls on wet floors and dog bites in buildings where dogs are allowed — while product liability insurance covers damages resulting from injuries caused by defective products sold by your business or produced at its premises.
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